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TCB Crossfit Class Calendar

Thursday, August 18, 2016

19 Aug 16

10 minute warmup
Noon class, take a few minutes and stretch your wrists because you'll be spending about 10 minutes with coach S

Partner WOD
30 dubs (60 singles)
21 wallballs
30 dubs
15 box jumps
30 dubs
9 power cleans (135/95)
For rounds 1-4 partners will switch every couplet. For example P1 does 30 dubs and 21 wallballs, then P2 does 30 dubs and 15 box jumps, then P1 does 30 dubs and 9 power cleans, then P2 does 30 dubs and 21 wallballs, and then P2 does 30 dubs and 15 box jumps...and so on with one partner working at a time.
However, on round 5 partners will jump rope together and switch after each rep of the movements. Example of round 5 - both partners jump rope together the P1 does a wallball and then P2 does a wallball then P1 does a wallball and then P2 does a wallball until both partners do 21 wallballs each. Continue this with the remaining jump ropes and movements to complete the 5th round.

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