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TCB Crossfit Class Calendar

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


3 rounds for time(RFT) of:

400m sprint
30 walking lunges
20 mountain climbers (2ct)
10 burpees
pullups (see below for number)

Let's challenge ourselves today on the pullups. If you have been doing the alternate ones on the dip bars, move to the pullup bands. If you've been using the bands use a different colored one this time, i.e. if you been using green down to the blue, if you been using blue go to red, and if you been using red go to strict. If you can do strict pull ups you will be doing them weighted with a dumbbell between your legs. You need to do 5 pull ups each round so you should be able to meet the challenge. The only time you do 10 pull ups is if you are doing the alternate style on the dip bars.

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