Starting this week we are going to have a weekly challenge (not champ belt type) of some sort of skill you should complete every day. You can do it before or after the WOD or whenever you want. This week's challenge is to accumulate a total of 30 second L sit. If 30 seconds is too easy go for a minute. So, for example, if you hold it for 10 seconds then you still got to complete 20 seconds more.
Daily challenge - accumulate 30 sec L sit hold.
5x3 strict press (build on sets 3,5)
5 DB thrusters (40/30) (that is weight in each hand)
10 Hang power cleans (HPC) (105/80)
15 sumo deadlift high pull (SDHP) (105/80)
20 Dubs (60 singles)
Our daily challenges will change every week but that challenge is for every day of that week. Example this weeks is every day this week you are to accumulate the 30 sec L sit. We will have things like overhead squats or practice double unders, etc, etc
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